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you are my sunshine中文是什么意思

用"you are my sunshine"造句"you are my sunshine"怎么读"you are my sunshine" in a sentence


  • 你是我的阳光
  • 你是我生活中的阳光
  • 你是我孙子


  • You are my sunshine , you put me in the sunshine
  • Wow , that ' s great ! jane , you are my sunshine
  • You are my sunshine , my only sunshine
  • Would you be my sunshine when the sun shines on everyone
  • You are my sunshine do yeon jeon
  • You are my sunshine
  • You are my sunshine
  • Keep on singing , michael . tears conquer the face of the bossy head nurse . karen glows . “ you are my sunshine , my only sunshine . please don ' t , take my sunshine away
    迈克尔还在唱着。泪水在护士长的脸上肆意流着。卡伦变得容光焕发。 “你使我的阳光,惟一的阳光。请别带走我的阳光。 ”
  • Leann rimes was born august 28 , 1982 in jackson , ms , and before she was two , she was belting out songs like " you are my sunshine " and " getting to know you . " by age five , she told her parents that she wanted to pursue a life in show business - and pursue she did . by age seven , leann rimes made her stage debut in a dallas musical production of " a christmas carol " and soon after the preteen powerhouse was singing " the star spangled banner " at dallas cowboy games and opening for randy travis
    96年blue专辑以首周12万张的销售打入告示牌专辑榜第三名,写下最年轻新人的纪录,紧接着单曲one way ticket light in your eyes等歌曲迭创佳绩, 97年的全美音乐奖首先颁发年度新人给黎安莱姆丝,接着第39届葛莱美奖不但封她为年度乡村女歌手,还让她以13岁的年纪拿下年度新人,成为当年歌坛话题, blue专辑到今天全美销售突破700万张。
用"you are my sunshine"造句  
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